Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Student using technology to get an internship

USM student Monique Lefebvre is seeking a summer internship with the Sierra Club, using social networking to promote the Club. The application process includes a video posted on YouTube; the more views and comments she gets,the more likely she is to get the internship. Here's more info in her own words:

 I have recently applied for a summer long internship with a well known organization; the Sierra Club. The internship will require me to travel, all expenses paid, to Sierra Club events in order to "video-blog" about what I am participating in. In addition to being paid to travel, the winner will receive a $2,500 stipend and $2,000 worth of gear from the North Face company. Needless to say, it is a very exciting opportunity. To apply for the internship, I was required to develop a 90 second video and submit it via YouTube. My video can be found at the following link:

I am reaching out to you in hopes that you will help me raise the amount of views, comments, and ratings that my video receives. The Sierra Club judges are heavily watching what videos are seeing traffic in order to determine who has social networking skills and who would be able to really develop and maintain an interesting blog about traveling with their organization. So, please watch the video, comment on it, rate it, and please, please, please pass it along to your friends and family! The more people who see it, the more likely my video is moved closer to the front when searched for in YouTube and the more likely I will be considered for a finalist position. I implore you - please help me!
Monique Lefebvre
Class of 2010
Another reason to introduce emerging technologies in your teaching--they really can help your students get a job in the real world!

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